Home Authors Posts by Robin Kornman

Robin Kornman

Robin Kornman -- professor of comparative literature, senior dharma teacher, and member of the Nalanda Translation Committee -- died in 2007. In the decade before his passing, he focused mainly on translating the Epic of Gesar of Ling, now published by Penguin Random House. For more about Robin's life please visit Remembering Robin.

Tribute to Trungpa Rinpoche

Listen to Robin's audio tribute to the Vidyadhara.

Robin Kornman on the The Rain of Wisdom

Robin talks about some of the Kagyü Gurtso and some of the early history of the Nalanda Translation Committee.

Karseng Rinpoche Brings Trungpa Rinpoche’s Treasure Teachings to the West

During Karma Senge Rinpoche's first visit to the West in 2003, the Shambhala community learned that Trungpa Rinpoche had discovered a number of terma teachings during his early life in Tibet....


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Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Chuck Lief

Chuck discusses his many years of experience in social enterprise, providing housing, childcare, and health care for low income individuals and families.