Home Authors Posts by Vicki Alexis Genson

Vicki Alexis Genson

Vicki Alexis Genson met Chögyam Trungpa in March of 1971 and at his suggestion, left Los Angeles and moved to Boulder in August of 1972. For many years, Vicki worked as a video producer for the Cable industry. As a community access coordinator, she taught video workshops to the public. Her independent work has been shown at festivals and at the American Film Institute. Dharma-related projects include Kobun Chino: Eight Calligraphies, and Devotion, an elegy for the late Ugyen Shenpen. DVDs are on sale through the Konchock Foundation.


Created from Lama Ugyen Shenpen's Home Videos of the Lineage

1974 Seminary

Visit the 1974 Vajradhatu Seminary in Snowmass, Colorado

Barbara Bash

Barbara talks about the creative process, her passion for calligraphy, working with discouragement, her connection with Trungpa Rinpoche, and more.