Tag: Community
Midsummer’s Day 1980
A Glimpse of Midsummer's Past
Cynicism and Warmth
Chogyam Trungpa rendered in charcoal by William Gilkerson
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s Cremation Ceremony
On May 26, 1987, hundreds of the Vidyadhara's students gathered in the upper meadow of Karme Chöling for their teacher's cremation. This slideshow presentation of Ray Ellis's photographs, accompanied by Jeremy...
Famous Last Words
Rinpoche 's parting words to the sangha before leaving for a year-long retreat in 1977
Boston Dharmadhatu: The Early Days
His talks were like timed capsules—timed to go off months and years and perhaps decades later
1974 Seminary
Visit the 1974 Vajradhatu Seminary in Snowmass, Colorado