Home Authors Posts by David Chadiwck

David Chadiwck

David Chadwick arrived at the San Francisco Zen Center in 1966. He wrote a biography of Suzuki Roshi called Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki, published in 1999. Cuke.com is a website started for that book which grew into a sprawling oral/written history of Suzuki and those whose paths crossed his. Cuke Archives is a name often used for the overall work. Shunryusuzuki.com is Cuke Archive’s site for the most complete collection of his lecture transcripts, audio, videos, and photos. There are other books and more to say but it’s all at cuke.com. Suzuki Roshi ordained David Chadwick as a priest before his death in 1971.

New from David Chadwick

A message and a new podcast series

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi Connections

On the anniversary of his passing


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Helen Berliner

Helen Berliner talks with Julia about her early connection with Trungpa Rinpoche, the importance of working with form, the Mindrolling lineage, and being a student of Khandro Rinpoche.