In this episode, Henry Schaeffer and Sam Bercholz talk about:
- Rinpoche throwing his mala over a fence in Oakland, California in 1970;
- Roshi blessing Rinpoche’s son, Taggie Mukpo, and
- the origins of the children’s blessing ceremony still practiced within Shambhala;
- a talk given by Trungpa Rinpoche at the San Francisco Zen Center entitled “The Open Way”, and what Roshi said to his students after Rinpoche left. Listen to this talk, The Open Way, given on May 27, 1971
Here is an interview with Henry Schaeffer on cuke.com.
Thank you so much for this wonderful storytelling. Listening to Henry Schaeffer talk about Rinpoche and Suzuki Roshi is like listening to stories of magic. Wow. Very special. And funny too! The story of how Rinpoche outraged the students at Zen Center and that many of them wanted to follow him to Colorado by the end of his talk is hilarious! This is the real inside story of two masters relating to one another, and it also contains important bits of history. Amazing. -Many thanks! Love, Suzanne
PS: I have wondered what happened to Henry Schaeffer. Does he live in NS?