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Ellen Mains

Ellen Mains became a student of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche in 1971 in Montreal, Canada. Since then she has taught in various capacities within the Shambhala community in both the U.S. and Europe. In addition to meditation, she is trained in several body-mind practices including Kyudo (the Way of the Bow), and currently guides people in an embodied practice called “Inner Relationship Focusing.” She lives in Boulder, Colorado and has written a soon-to-be-released memoir called: Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust.

As if by Accident

An Excerpt from Ellen's upcoming memoir: Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust

Ten Reasons to Read Diamond Highway

Tony bridges a threshold in the growing body of literature on the life of the Vidyadhara and his students.

The Boulder Premiere of “Crazy Wisdom”

As Clay Evans, a staff writer for the Boulder Daily Camera who recently reviewed "Crazy Wisdom" aptly put it, Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche "haunts Boulder."

On Shambhala and the Samaya Connection

Not long ago I heard someone say that people who disagreed with decisions made by the Sakyong or Shambhala International were people who didn’t practice and therefore, we shouldn’t pay attention to them.


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Episode One: Introduction

To introduce this series, Julia guides us through the mosaic, the many facets that have emerged from the world that Trungpa Rinpoche set in motion.