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Marilyn Thurrott

Marilyn Thurrott first heard about the Vidyadhara in the early 1970's while living on a commune in the Kootenays of British Columbia. Over the years, she became a dedicated student and attended seminary in 1982. During the Seminary, she was given the refuge name, Dharma Protector Divine Lady, and was inspired to join the Dorje Kasung. She has continued her kasung service over the years while living in Halifax, Toronto, and Karme Chöling and has held the posts of Rusung and Regimental Commander. Marilyn returned to the Kootenays in 1999, where she works as a hospice volunteer and continues to teach dharma classes. She lives with her daughter and grandchildren. Her son lives nearby, and the entire family are active members of the Kootenay Shambhala Centre. Marilyn has attended Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche's programs at Karme Chöling for the past seven years and plans to enter the three-year retreat at Gampo Abby in 2004.

Where Were You When You Heard the News?

I think it must have been a Saturday, that sunny day, April 4, 1987, because both Alice Yang and Dominique LeGrand were with me working at the store. Alice and I...


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Sarah Coleman’s Reflections on the Vajradhatu seminaries

Sarah Coleman takes us on a tour through the thirteen three-month seminaries led by Trungpa Rinpoche in the 1970s and 80s. From Teton Village, to Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Sarah gives us her raw impressions of the place, the teachings, the students, the era, and the teacher.