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Miriam Tarcov

Miriam is a longtime student of the Tibetan Buddhist meditation master the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and she served as the Deputy Director of External Affairs for the international Buddhist organization, Vajradhatu, and the Nalanda Foundation, both founded by Trungpa Rinpoche. Miriam was the second editor-in-chief of The Vajradhatu Sun, now known as Lion’s Roar. As a senior student she taught meditation practice throughout the United States. For over thirty years Miriam worked and volunteered in the not-for-profit sectors, including the Halifax YWCA, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Mt. St. Vincent University, Halifax Family Service Association, the Boulder Center of Visual Arts, and Habitat for Humanity. She has offered comfort to bereaved parents, spouses and surviving siblings. She lives with her husband, Richard, in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she continues to write and paint. Her art website is www.miriamtarcovart.com.

Suddenly Without Warning

This book is about love and it is about grief. It is about being a parent and it is about losing a child “suddenly and without warning.”


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