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David I. Rome

David I. Rome is a teacher and writer on applications of contemplative methods in personal, organizational and social change. He is the creator of Mindful Focusing, a training program that brings together Eugene Gendlin’s Felt-Sense Focusing method with Buddhist mindfulness-awareness practices, described in his book YOUR BODY KNOWS THE ANSWER: Using Your FELT SENSE to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity (Shambhala, 2014). David began practicing Buddhism in 1971 and served as private secretary to Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He studied Focusing with Gendlin, Ann Weiser Cornell, Robert Lee and others, and is a senior trainer with the International Focusing Institute and Shambhala International.

Introduction to The Art of Calligraphy: Part I

Venerating the past in itself will not solve the world's problems. We need to find the link between our traditions and our present experience of life.

Introduction to The Art of Calligraphy: Part II

...at the beginning you just learn to make straight lines on your paper -CTR

Introduction to The Art of Calligraphy: Part III

Gently, but with great conviction, the brush would descend to the paper and make its first dot. Often Rinpoche would pause the brush on this first mark, as if waiting for the calligraphy to be born from its seed.

The Dön Days

Mark Nowakowski talks about the dön days at the end of the lunar calendar and the annual practice of "Pacifying the Turmoil of the Mamos."