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Eido Roshi

Eido Roshi is a Rinzai Zen master and the abbott of New York Zendo Shobo-Ji and Dai Bosatsu Zendo, both in New York. Over the years, Eido Roshi has been an important teacher and mentor for many students of Chogyam Trungpa.

More Brilliantly Year After Year

Eido Roshi is a Rinzai Zen master and the abbott of New York Zendo Shobo-Ji and Dai Bosatsu Zendo, both in New York. Over the years, Eido Roshi has been an...

The Very Venerable 9th Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

In this interview Julia talks with Rinpoche about fulfilling the aspirations of Chogyam Trungpa.