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Vivian Kurz

Vivian Kurz was born in New York and attended Brandies University. She first met Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1970, and, subsequently, lived at Karme Choling and attended the 1973 Seminary. With Trungpa Rinpoche’s blessings, in 1975, Vivian went to India, with the same super-8mm camera in hand, to meet Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Some of that footage is included in later films for which she shot additional footage for and served as co-producer. (Jewel Mountain and The Spirit of Tibet.) In 1980 she participated in the first three-year Nyingma retreat in Dordogne, France. Over the years she has worked extensively with Matthieu Ricard and his humanitarian organization. She currently lives in New York and is the director of Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship/Shechen (www.shechen.org), a non-profit dedicated to continuing the lineage and vision of Khyentse Rinpoche.

On Retreat in Charlemont: Silent Footage from 1972

A happy, quiet, soft, and tender time. Early Fall, early melting snow, early days with the guru


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Live from Halifax

A live show about is the Karmapas: CTR's relationship to the 16th HHK, his historic visits, and the upcoming first visit of the 17th Karmapa to North America.