The Kids and the Garuda
A story told by Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche at Dorje Dzong, Boulder, May 18, 1990
Meditation and the Fourth Moment
The experience of egoless insight and nowness, or the fourth moment
1976 Seminary: Hinayana/Mahayana Talks
Here are the nineteen hinayana/mahayana talks of the 1976 Seminary.
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Cynicism and Warmth
Chogyam Trungpa rendered in charcoal by William Gilkerson
50 Years Ago: First Teachings in North America
These three talks, given in NYC in early July 1970, were Trungpa Rinpoche's first recorded teachings in North America.
1978 Seminary: Hinayana/Mahayana Talks
During the coming weeks, we will be posting the hinayana/mahayana talks (19 talks in all) from the 1978 Vajradhatu seminary.
Parinirvana Day Message from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
At dawn on April 4, 2020, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche sent this message
Meditation and the Fourth Moment
You have past, present, and future, and then you have the fourth moment.
The Dawn of Enlightenment
The Star of Bethlehem
An Early Talk to the Community
Self Deception
The original audio recording from 1971
Mahamudra II: Yogic Songs of Milarepa
The Shambhala Archives has released Mahamudra II (talk 9 from the The Yogic Songs of Milarepa seminar held at Naropa's in 1976) to mark the 30th anniversary of Trungpa Rinpoche's parinirvana.