Tag: Sangha History
When Gerald Red Elk Met Chögyam Trungpa
After I made the introductions, Gerald Red Elk presented some gifts to Chögyam Trungpa, who was seated. He unfolded some gems: a turquoise stone, which he said represented the nature of the universe; a red stone, which he said represented the nature of the gods; a green stone, representing earth; and a purple stone, representing medicine.
Ownership of Windhorse Farm Transferred to the Mi’kmaq
A place for reconciliation
Memories, Dreams and Reflections of the 16th Karmapa
Black Hat, Black Mountains
I met the 16th Karmapa in 1976 when he was invited to a farmhouse in the Black Mountains of Wales. If there is one event which I can...
Kagyu and Nyingma Three Yanas
The teachings and practices held within the Vajradhatu and Shambhala sanghas grew from the extraordinary dharma activity of the Druk Sakyong, the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. As he often emphasized, his...
Midsummer’s Day 1980
A Glimpse of Midsummer's Past
Cynicism and Warmth
Chogyam Trungpa rendered in charcoal by William Gilkerson
In the Shadow of the Purkhang
Here is Raging Bear’s marvelous account of Gade Gar.
Tribute to Marvin Casper
Please keep Marvin, his family and legions of friends in your hearts
Trungpa Rinpoche’s Diary from the Final Days of the Escape
January 24, 1960
Touch and Go
Chögyam Trungpa's Epic Journey to the West
Journey to Taktsang
Travel with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche from Scotland to Taktsang in 1968, and hear him talk about receiving the Sadhana
Historical Comments on The Sadhana of Mahamudra
There was tremendous corruption, confusion, lack of faith, and lack of practice in Tibet.
Lineage and Devotion
As our devotion increased in these early years, we came to regard Trungpa Rinpoche as the only and the everything. It seemed that he came out of nowhere, like a bolt of lightning. But there was a larger context...
Boston Dharmadhatu: The Early Days
His talks were like timed capsules—timed to go off months and years and perhaps decades later
When Ice Clogged the Harbour
About 10 days before Rinpoche's passing on April 4, 1987, Halifax harbour began filling up with ice...
On Retreat in Charlemont: Silent Footage from 1972
A happy, quiet, soft, and tender time. Early Fall, early melting snow, early days with the guru
The Court
Then, seemingly out of the blue and certainly not to my liking, Rinpoche announced on Christmas Day that he would like to invite my mother to dinner ...
1974 Seminary
Visit the 1974 Vajradhatu Seminary in Snowmass, Colorado
His Final Home
To commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Chögyam Trungpa's parinirvana, the Chögyam Trungpa Legacy Project mounted an extraordinary exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax.
Tribute to William Gilkerson
Bill Gilkerson died in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia on November 29, 2015 after an eight-year illness.
1980 Seminary Slideshow from Allan Novick
Thank you to Allan Novick for sending in these images from the 1980 Seminary
Tribute to Bob Sonne
5 December 2013
Life-long sangha brother Bob Sonne died in his sleep on December 2, 2013 in Boston. He was a dedicated dharma practitioner, a devoted student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and...
Tribute to Zoë Nudell
5 November 2013
Zoë's life was celebrated yesterday evening (November 5) at Pier 21 by a profoundly sad and focused gathering of her friends -- some 600 of us -- representing all...
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz: Conversation with Jane Hester
Welcome to Cooking Rice, conversations with people whose work in the world is grounded in contemplative practice.
In this episode of Cooking Rice, Marty Janowitz with Jane Hester about her experience as...
Trungpa Rinpoche’s Escape From Tibet: 50 Years Ago
Watch Touch and Go, a documentary on Trungpa Rinpoche's escape from Tibet and follow the escape route maps.
As this project is very much a work in progress, please contact Grant if you...
On Shambhala and the Samaya Connection
Not long ago I heard someone say that people who disagreed with decisions made by the Sakyong or Shambhala International were people who didn’t practice and therefore, we shouldn’t pay attention to them.
Fifty Years Ago
On the anniversary of Trungpa Rinpoche's arrival in India, Carolyn Gimian looks back over the past 50 years.
The Rinchen Terdzo
At some point during the 1970's, Trungpa Rinpoche received a complete set of the Rinchen Terdzo from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
Remembering Robin
This meandering recollection was written over the days following Robin's rather sudden, rapid decline and death, while I was traveling with a group of Western pilgrims in Eastern Tibet. We learned...
Karma Senge Rinpoche Wins Our Hearts
On Sunday, June 24, 2007 at the Shambhala Center in Halifax, more than 125 members of the community came to watch a slide show presented by Karma Senge Rinpoche. About 90...
Gold Lake Oil
In this article, Tom Bell tells the story of the seeming rise and apparent fall of Gold Lake Oil.
Letters of The Current Situation
The Current Situation (TCS), as it was known, grew into a bitter dispute that seemed unresolvable, and over the course of the next three years, generated a flurry of letters and official statements, several of which are presented on this page.
VCTR’s Comments About His Will
Read CTR's Spiritual Will
The following are David Rome's notes from a meeting with VCTR on February 23, 1986 at Karme-Choling, Vermont
DR: I would like to ask about after your death--not because...
The Pygmy Farm
In the late 1960s a group of friends from various parts of the country met in San Francisco and (when one of them happened to find a cheap farm for rent)...
How I Met Rinpoche
Part One of a Conversation with Ani Pema Chödrön.Training of an American Buddhist Nun. The following conversation between Pema Chödrön and Walter Fordham took place in Halifax on 10 December 2003.
Interview with James George
James George Talks About Trungpa Rinpoche
Letter to the 1980 Seminary
From the all-encompassing vajradhatu,
Indestructible nonthought beyond description,
From the vast dharmadhatu,
The unceasing play of energy and light,
The dharmakaya Vajradhara takes form
As the incomparable root guru, Chokyi Gyatso.
The five poisons and the eight...